Source code for hed.models.hed_tag

""" A single HED tag. """
from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedKey
import copy
from hed.models.model_constants import DefTagNames

[docs]class HedTag: """ A single HED tag. Notes: - HedTag is a smart class in that it keeps track of its original value and positioning as well as pointers to the relevant HED schema information, if relevant. """
[docs] def __init__(self, hed_string, hed_schema, span=None, def_dict=None): """ Creates a HedTag. Parameters: hed_string (str): Source HED string for this tag. hed_schema (HedSchema): A parameter for calculating canonical forms on creation. span (int, int): The start and end indexes of the tag in the hed_string. def_dict(DefinitionDict or None): The def dict to use to identify def/def expand tags. """ self._hed_string = hed_string if span is None: span = (0, len(hed_string)) # This is the span into the original HED string for this tag self.span = span # If this is present, use this as the org tag for most purposes. # This is not generally used anymore, but you can use it to replace a tag in place. self._tag = None self._namespace = self._get_schema_namespace(self.org_tag) # This is the schema this tag was converted to. self._schema = None self._schema_entry = None self._extension_value = "" self._parent = None self._expandable = None self._expanded = False self.tag_terms = None # tuple of all the terms in this tag Lowercase. self._calculate_to_canonical_forms(hed_schema) self._def_entry = None if def_dict: if self.short_base_tag in {DefTagNames.DEF_KEY, DefTagNames.DEF_EXPAND_KEY}: self._def_entry = def_dict.get_definition_entry(self)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a deep copy of this tag. Returns: HedTag: The copied group. """ save_parent = self._parent self._parent = None return_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) self._parent = save_parent return return_copy
@property def schema_namespace(self): """ Library namespace for this tag if one exists. Returns: namespace (str): The library namespace, including the colon. """ return self._namespace @property def short_tag(self): """ Short form including value or extension. Returns: short_tag (str): The short form of the tag, including value or extension. """ if self._schema_entry: return f"{self._namespace}{self._schema_entry.short_tag_name}{self._extension_value}" return str(self) @property def base_tag(self): """ Long form without value or extension. Returns: base_tag (str): The long form of the tag, without value or extension. """ if self._schema_entry: return self._schema_entry.long_tag_name return str(self) @property def short_base_tag(self): """ Short form without value or extension. Returns: base_tag (str): The short non-extension port of a tag. Notes: - ParentNodes/Def/DefName would return just "Def". """ if self._schema_entry: return self._schema_entry.short_tag_name return str(self) @short_base_tag.setter def short_base_tag(self, new_tag_val): """ Change base tag, leaving extension or value. Parameters: new_tag_val (str): The new short_base_tag for this tag. :raises ValueError: - If the tag wasn't already identified. Note: - Generally this is used to swap def to def-expand. """ if self._schema_entry: tag_entry = None if self._schema: if self.is_takes_value_tag(): new_tag_val = new_tag_val + "/#" tag_entry = self._schema.get_tag_entry(new_tag_val, schema_namespace=self.schema_namespace) self._schema_entry = tag_entry else: raise ValueError("Cannot set unidentified tags") @property def org_base_tag(self): """ Original form without value or extension. Returns: base_tag (str): The original form of the tag, without value or extension. Notes: - Warning: This could be empty if the original tag had a name_prefix prepended. e.g. a column where "Label/" is prepended, thus the column value has zero base portion. """ if self._schema_entry: extension_len = len(self._extension_value) if not extension_len: return self.tag org_len = len(self.tag) if org_len == extension_len: return "" return self.tag[:org_len - extension_len] return str(self)
[docs] def tag_modified(self): """ Return True if tag has been modified from original. Returns: bool: Return True if the tag is modified. Notes: - Modifications can include adding a column name_prefix. """ return bool(self._tag)
@property def tag(self): """ Returns the tag. Returns the original tag if no user form set. Returns: tag (str): The custom set user form of the tag. """ if self._tag: return self._tag return self.org_tag @tag.setter def tag(self, new_tag_val): """ Allow you to overwrite the tag output text. Parameters: new_tag_val (str): New (implicitly long form) of tag to set. Notes: - You probably don't actually want to call this. """ self._tag = new_tag_val self._schema_entry = None self._calculate_to_canonical_forms(self._schema) @property def extension(self): """ Get the extension or value of tag. Generally this is just the portion after the last slash. Returns an empty string if no extension or value. Returns: str: The tag name. Notes: - This tag must have been computed first. """ if self._extension_value: return self._extension_value[1:] return "" @extension.setter def extension(self, x): self._extension_value = f"/{x}" @property def long_tag(self): """ Long form including value or extension. Returns: str: The long form of this tag. """ if self._schema_entry: return f"{self._namespace}{self._schema_entry.long_tag_name}{self._extension_value}" return str(self) @property def org_tag(self): """ Return the original unmodified tag. Returns: str: The original unmodified tag. """ return self._hed_string[self.span[0]:self.span[1]] @property def expanded(self): """Return if this is currently expanded or not. Will always be False unless expandable is set. This is primarily used for Def/Def-expand tags at present. Returns: bool: Returns True if this is currently expanded. """ return self._expanded @property def expandable(self): """Return what this expands to. This is primarily used for Def/Def-expand tags at present. Lazily set the first time it's called. Returns: HedGroup or HedTag or None: Returns the expanded form of this tag. """ if self._expandable is None and self._def_entry: save_parent = self._parent tag_label, _, placeholder = self.extension.partition('/') def_contents = self._def_entry.get_definition(self, placeholder_value=placeholder) self._parent = save_parent if def_contents is not None: self._expandable = def_contents self._expanded = self.short_base_tag == DefTagNames.DEF_EXPAND_KEY return self._expandable
[docs] def is_column_ref(self): """ Return if this tag is a column reference from a sidecar. You should only see these if you are directly accessing sidecar strings, tools should remove them otherwise. Returns: bool: Returns True if this is a column ref. """ return self.org_tag.startswith('{') and self.org_tag.endswith('}')
def __str__(self): """ Convert this HedTag to a string. Returns: str: The original tag if we haven't set a new tag.(e.g. short to long). """ if self._schema_entry: return self.short_tag if self._tag: return self._tag return self._hed_string[self.span[0]:self.span[1]]
[docs] def lower(self): """ Convenience function, equivalent to str(self).lower(). """ return str(self).lower()
[docs] def casefold(self): """ Convenience function, equivalent to str(self).casefold(). """ return str(self).casefold()
def _calculate_to_canonical_forms(self, hed_schema): """ Update internal state based on schema. Parameters: hed_schema (HedSchema or HedSchemaGroup): The schema to use to validate this tag. Returns: list: A list of issues found during conversion. Each element is a dictionary. """ tag_entry, remainder, tag_issues = hed_schema.find_tag_entry(self, self.schema_namespace) self._schema_entry = tag_entry self._schema = hed_schema if self._schema_entry: self.tag_terms = self._schema_entry.tag_terms if remainder: self._extension_value = remainder else: self.tag_terms = tuple() return tag_issues
[docs] def get_stripped_unit_value(self, extension_text): """ Return the extension divided into value and units, if the units are valid. Parameters: extension_text (str): The text to split, in case it's a portion of a tag. Returns: stripped_unit_value (str): The extension portion with the units removed. unit (str or None): None if no valid unit found. Examples: 'Duration/3 ms' will return '3' """ tag_unit_classes = self.unit_classes stripped_value, unit, _ = HedTag._get_tag_units_portion(extension_text, tag_unit_classes) if stripped_value: return stripped_value, unit return self.extension, None
[docs] def value_as_default_unit(self): """ Return the value converted to default units if possible. Returns None if the units are invalid.(No default unit or invalid). Returns: value (float or None): The extension value as default units. If there are no default units, returns None. Examples: 'Duration/300 ms' will return .3 """ tag_unit_classes = self.unit_classes value, _, units = self.extension.rpartition(" ") if not value: stripped_value = units unit_entry = self.default_unit unit = else: stripped_value, unit, unit_entry = HedTag._get_tag_units_portion(self.extension, tag_unit_classes) if stripped_value: if unit_entry.get_conversion_factor(unit) is not None: return float(stripped_value) * unit_entry.get_conversion_factor(unit)
@property def unit_classes(self): """ Return a dict of all the unit classes this tag accepts. Returns: unit_classes (dict): A dict of unit classes this tag accepts. Notes: - Returns empty dict if this is not a unit class tag. - The dictionary has unit name as the key and HedSchemaEntry as value. """ if self._schema_entry: return self._schema_entry.unit_classes return {} @property def value_classes(self): """ Return a dict of all the value classes this tag accepts. Returns: dict: A dictionary of HedSchemaEntry value classes this tag accepts. Notes: - Returns empty dict if this is not a value class. - The dictionary has unit name as the key and HedSchemaEntry as value. """ if self._schema_entry: return self._schema_entry.value_classes return {} @property def attributes(self): """ Return a dict of all the attributes this tag has. Returns empty dict if this is not a value tag. Returns: dict: A dict of attributes this tag has. Notes: - Returns empty dict if this is not a unit class tag. - The dictionary has unit name as the key and HedSchemaEntry as value. """ if self._schema_entry: return self._schema_entry.attributes return {}
[docs] def tag_exists_in_schema(self): """ Return whether the schema entry for this tag exists. Returns: bool: True if this tag exists. Notes: - This does NOT assure this is a valid tag. """ return bool(self._schema_entry)
[docs] def is_takes_value_tag(self): """ Return True if this is a takes value tag. Returns: bool: True if this is a takes value tag. """ if self._schema_entry: return self._schema_entry.has_attribute(HedKey.TakesValue) return False
[docs] def is_unit_class_tag(self): """ Return True if this is a unit class tag. Returns: bool: True if this is a unit class tag. """ if self._schema_entry: return bool(self._schema_entry.unit_classes) return False
[docs] def is_value_class_tag(self): """ Return True if this is a value class tag. Returns: bool: True if this is a tag with a value class. """ if self._schema_entry: return bool(self._schema_entry.value_classes) return False
[docs] def is_basic_tag(self): """ Return True if a known tag with no extension or value. Returns: bool: True if this is a known tag without extension or value. """ return bool(self._schema_entry and not self.extension)
[docs] def has_attribute(self, attribute): """ Return True if this is an attribute this tag has. Parameters: attribute (str): Name of the attribute. Returns: bool: True if this tag has the attribute. """ if self._schema_entry: return self._schema_entry.has_attribute(attribute) return False
[docs] def get_tag_unit_class_units(self): """ Get the unit class units associated with a particular tag. Returns: list: A list containing the unit class units associated with a particular tag or an empty list. """ units = [] unit_classes = self.unit_classes for unit_class_entry in unit_classes.values(): units += unit_class_entry.units.keys() return units
@property def default_unit(self): """ Get the default unit class unit for this tag. Only a tag with a single unit class can have default units. Returns: unit(UnitEntry or None): the default unit entry for this tag, or None """ # todo: Make this cached unit_classes = self.unit_classes.values() if len(unit_classes) == 1: first_unit_class_entry = list(unit_classes)[0] default_unit = first_unit_class_entry.has_attribute(HedKey.DefaultUnits, return_value=True) return first_unit_class_entry.units.get(default_unit, None)
[docs] def base_tag_has_attribute(self, tag_attribute): """ Check to see if the tag has a specific attribute. This is primarily used to check for things like TopLevelTag on Definitions and similar. Parameters: tag_attribute (str): A tag attribute. Returns: bool: True if the tag has the specified attribute. False, if otherwise. """ if not self._schema_entry: return False return self._schema_entry.base_tag_has_attribute(tag_attribute)
@staticmethod def _get_schema_namespace(org_tag): """ Finds the library namespace for the tag. Parameters: org_tag (str): A string representing a tag. Returns: str: Library namespace string or empty. """ first_slash = org_tag.find("/") first_colon = org_tag.find(":") if first_colon != -1: if first_slash != -1 and first_colon > first_slash: return "" return org_tag[:first_colon + 1] return "" @staticmethod def _get_tag_units_portion(extension_text, tag_unit_classes): """ Check that this string has valid units and remove them. Parameters: tag_unit_classes (dict): Dictionary of valid UnitClassEntry objects for this tag. Returns: stripped_value (str or None): The value with the units removed. This is filled in if there are no units as well. unit (UnitEntry or None): The matching unit entry if one is found """ value, _, units = extension_text.rpartition(" ") if not units: return None, None, None for unit_class_entry in tag_unit_classes.values(): possible_match = unit_class_entry.get_derivative_unit_entry(units) if possible_match and not possible_match.has_attribute(HedKey.UnitPrefix): return value, units, possible_match # Repeat the above, but as a prefix possible_match = unit_class_entry.get_derivative_unit_entry(value) if possible_match and possible_match.has_attribute(HedKey.UnitPrefix): return units, value, possible_match return None, None, None
[docs] def is_placeholder(self): """Returns if this tag has a placeholder in it. Returns: has_placeholder(bool): True if it has a placeholder """ if "#" in self.org_tag or "#" in self._extension_value: return True return False
[docs] def replace_placeholder(self, placeholder_value): """ If tag has a placeholder character(#), replace with value. Parameters: placeholder_value (str): Value to replace placeholder with. """ if self.is_placeholder(): if self._schema_entry: self._extension_value = self._extension_value.replace("#", placeholder_value) else: self._tag = self.tag.replace("#", placeholder_value)
def __hash__(self): if self._schema_entry: return hash( self._namespace + self._schema_entry.short_tag_name.casefold() + self._extension_value.casefold()) else: return hash(self.casefold()) def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if isinstance(other, str): return self.casefold() == other.casefold() if not isinstance(other, HedTag): return False if self.short_tag == other.short_tag: return True if self.org_tag.casefold() == other.org_tag.casefold(): return True return False def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Check if the object has already been copied. if id(self) in memo: return memo[id(self)] # create a new instance of HedTag class new_tag = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new_tag.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) # add the new object to the memo dictionary memo[id(self)] = new_tag # Deep copy the attributes that need it(most notably, we don't copy schema/schema entry) new_tag._parent = copy.deepcopy(self._parent, memo) new_tag._expandable = copy.deepcopy(self._expandable, memo) new_tag._expanded = copy.deepcopy(self._expanded, memo) return new_tag